This report should not be construed as providing investment advice. It is for educational purposes only.  Before making any investment decision, you should always do your own research or consult a investment professional.
While I try to be accurate, I assume no responsibility for any figure in this spreadsheet. Estimates Estimates Estimates
See my website on stocks or see my blog at the following sites. Q2 2023
Aecon Group Inc TSX ARE OTC AEGXF Fiscal Yr: Dec 31
Year 12/31/10 12/31/11 12/31/12 12/31/13 12/31/14 12/31/15 12/31/16 12/31/17 12/31/18 12/31/19 12/31/20 12/31/21 12/31/22 12/31/23 12/31/24 12/31/25 Value Description #Y Item Total G
Split Date
USD - CDN$ 0.9946 1.0170 0.9949 1.0636 1.1601 1.3847 1.3427 1.2545 1.3642 1.2988 1.2732 1.2678 1.3544 1.3409 1.3409 1.3409 -1.75% <-IRR #YR-> 5 USD - CDN$
Change -4.97% 2.25% -2.17% 6.91% 9.07% 19.36% -3.04% -6.57% 8.74% -4.79% -1.97% -0.42% 6.83% -1.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.23% <-IRR #YR-> 10 USD - CDN$
$4,861 <-12 mths 3.51%
Revenue* $2,749.8 $2,896.2 $2,946.8 $3,068.6 $2,614.1 $2,918.1 $3,213.1 $2,805.7 $3,266.3 $3,460.4 $3,643.6 $3,977.3 $4,696.5 $4,770 $4,795 59.37% <-Total Growth 10 Revenue
Increase 21.62% 5.32% 1.75% 4.13% -14.81% 11.63% 10.11% -12.68% 16.42% 5.94% 5.29% 9.16% 18.08% 1.57% 0.52% 4.77% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Revenue 59.37%
5 year Running Average $1,898.8 $2,255.3 $2,546.1 $2,784.5 $2,855.1 $2,888.7 $2,952.1 $2,923.9 $2,963.5 $3,133 $3,278 $3,431 $3,809 $4,109.6 $4,376.5 10.85% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Revenue 67.39%
Revenue per Share $50.28 $54.34 $55.59 $58.04 $46.57 $51.36 $55.53 $47.32 $54.01 $56.99 $60.51 $65.39 $76.32 $77.32 $77.72 4.11% <-IRR #YR-> 10 5 yr Running Average 49.59%
Increase 22.54% 8.07% 2.30% 4.42% -19.77% 10.28% 8.12% -14.79% 14.14% 5.53% 6.16% 8.08% 16.71% 1.30% 0.52% 5.43% <-IRR #YR-> 5 5 yr Running Average 30.26%
5 year Running Average $38.68 $43.70 $47.72 $51.86 $52.96 $53.18 $53.42 $51.76 $50.96 $53.04 $54.87 $56.84 $62.64 $67.31 $71.45 3.22% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Revenue per Share 37.30%
P/S (Price/Sales) Med 0.25 0.16 0.21 0.23 0.31 0.25 0.29 0.36 0.32 0.34 0.24 0.29 0.17 0.16 0.00 10.03% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Revenue per Share 61.30%
P/S (Price/Sales) Close 0.20 0.19 0.19 0.28 0.23 0.30 0.27 0.42 0.33 0.31 0.27 0.26 0.12 0.14 0.14 2.76% <-IRR #YR-> 10 5 yr Running Average 31.26%
P/S 10 Year Median  0.19 0.19 0.21 0.22 0.24 0.25 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.27 3.89% <-IRR #YR-> 5 5 yr Running Average 21.02%
*Revenue in M CDN $  P/S Med 20 yr  0.25 15 yr  0.28 10 yr  0.29 5 yr  0.29 -51.39% Diff M/C
-$2,946.8 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $4,696.5
-$2,805.7 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $4,696.5
-$2,546.1 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $3,808.8
-$2,923.9 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $3,808.8
-$55.59 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $76.32
-$47.32 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $76.32
$1.14 <-12 mths 142.55%
Convertible Debentures 4.05% 5.28% 9.96% 3.77% 4.92% Convertible Debentures See Earnings
Stock Options Plan 1.00% 1.38% 2.29% 1.11% 1.00% Stock Options Plan per Share
Difference 25.00% 21.50% 19.73% 6.49% 7.27% 15.57% 6.10% 4.17% 5.05% 6.67% 12.24% 4.88% 6.00% Difference In Notes
EPS Basic $0.76 $1.07 $1.47 $0.77 $0.55 $1.22 $0.82 $0.48 $0.99 $1.20 $1.47 $0.82 $0.50 -65.99% <-Total Growth 10 EPS Basic 2024 TDWB
EPS Diluted* $0.57 $0.84 $1.18 $0.72 $0.51 $1.03 $0.77 $0.46 $0.94 $1.12 $1.29 $0.78 $0.47 $1.05 $1.17 $1.45 -60.17% <-Total Growth 10 EPS Diluted
Increase -28.75% 47.37% 40.48% -38.98% -29.17% 101.96% -25.24% -40.26% 104.35% 19.15% 15.18% -39.53% -39.74% 123.40% 11.43% 23.93% 10 0 10 Years of Data, EPS P or N
Earnings Yield 5.57% 8.03% 11.08% 4.47% 4.76% 6.69% 5.05% 2.31% 5.34% 6.39% 7.89% 4.62% 5.16% 9.66% 10.76% 10.56% -8.79% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Earnings per Share -60.17%
5 year Running Average $0.81 $0.91 $0.92 $0.82 $0.76 $0.86 $0.84 $0.70 $0.74 $0.86 $0.92 $0.92 $0.92 $0.94 $0.95 $0.98 0.43% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Earnings per Share 2.17%
10 year Running Average $0.25 $0.28 $0.39 $0.52 $0.73 $0.83 $0.88 $0.81 $0.78 $0.81 $0.89 $0.88 $0.81 $0.84 $0.91 $0.95 0.02% <-IRR #YR-> 10 5 yr Running Average 0.22%
* Diluted ESP per share  E/P 10 Yrs 5.10% 5Yrs 5.34% 5.68% <-IRR #YR-> 5 5 yr Running Average 31.81%
-$1.18 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.47
-$0.46 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.47
-$0.92 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.92
-$0.70 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.92
Dividend* $0.74 $0.76 $0.78 Estimates Dividend*
Increase 1.37% 2.70% 2.63% Estimates Increase
Payout Ratio EPS 70.48% 64.96% 53.79% Estimates Payout Ratio EPS
Special Dividends $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 <-Median-> 10 Special Dividends
Dividend* $0.20 $0.20 $0.26 $0.31 $0.35 $0.39 $0.45 $0.49 $0.50 $0.56 $0.63 $0.69 $0.73 $0.74 $0.74 $0.74 180.77% <-Total Growth 10 Dividends
Increase 0.00% 0.00% 30.00% 19.23% 12.90% 11.43% 14.10% 10.11% 2.04% 12.00% 11.61% 9.60% 6.57% 1.37% 0.00% 0.00% 13 2 22 Years of data, Count P, N
Average Increases 5 Year Running 37.14% 37.14% 43.14% 9.85% 12.43% 14.71% 17.53% 13.56% 10.12% 9.94% 9.97% 9.07% 8.36% 8.23% 5.83% 3.51% 10.05% <-Median-> 10 Average Incr 5 Year Running
Dividends 5 Yr Running $0.13 $0.17 $0.21 $0.23 $0.26 $0.30 $0.35 $0.40 $0.44 $0.48 $0.52 $0.57 $0.62 $0.67 $0.70 $0.73 192.45% <-Total Growth 10 Dividends 5 Yr Running
Yield H/L Price 1.62% 2.27% 2.20% 2.31% 2.46% 2.99% 2.78% 2.85% 2.91% 2.91% 4.23% 3.61% 5.54% 6.14% 2.91% <-Median-> 10 Yield H/L Price
Yield on High  Price 1.33% 1.90% 1.89% 1.93% 1.87% 2.47% 2.34% 2.46% 2.50% 2.59% 3.45% 3.12% 4.06% 5.30% 2.49% <-Median-> 10 Yield on High  Price
Yield on Low Price 2.07% 2.84% 2.63% 2.87% 3.58% 3.79% 3.42% 3.40% 3.49% 3.32% 5.48% 4.28% 8.72% 7.30% 3.53% <-Median-> 10 Yield on Low Price
Yield on Close Price 1.96% 1.91% 2.44% 1.93% 3.27% 2.53% 2.92% 2.46% 2.84% 3.20% 3.82% 4.06% 8.01% 6.81% 6.81% 5.39% 3.06% <-Median-> 10 Yield on Close Price
Payout Ratio EPS 35.09% 23.81% 22.03% 43.06% 68.63% 37.86% 57.79% 106.52% 53.19% 50.00% 48.45% 87.82% 155.32% 70.48% 63.25% 51.03% $0.35 <-Median-> 23 DPR EPS
DPR EPS 5 Yr Running 16.58% 19.04% 23.09% 28.47% 34.55% 35.28% 41.69% 56.88% 58.63% 55.21% 57.21% 62.31% 67.39% 70.91% 73.95% 73.88% $0.28 <-Median-> 19 DPR EPS 5 Yr Running
Payout Ratio CFPS 0.00% 5.40% 20.01% 12.23% 26.26% 38.14% 95.77% 14.72% 8.20% 17.13% 13.79% 0.00% 0.00% 62.18% 34.26% 20.39% $0.03 <-Median-> 23 DPR CF
DPR CF 5 Yr Running 2780.54% 23.06% 38.48% 21.62% 18.66% 15.26% 26.37% 22.86% 17.76% 16.82% 14.81% 17.12% 26.85% 50.29% 63.63% 78.52% $0.22 <-Median-> 19 DPR CF 5 Yr Running
Payout Ratio CFPS WC 37.74% 9.93% 10.18% 17.51% 28.07% 19.45% 17.84% 20.96% 16.01% 17.52% 17.68% 24.17% 35.39% 62.18% 1396.16% #DIV/0! $0.16 <-Median-> 23 DPR CF WC
DPR CF WC 5 Yr Running 19.43% 18.31% 18.57% 14.15% 16.26% 15.74% 17.43% 20.14% 19.41% 18.13% 17.84% 19.03% 21.02% 26.06% 36.38% #DIV/0! $0.18 <-Median-> 19 DPR CF WC 5 Yr Running
Median Values 10 Yr Med 10 Yr Cl 2.91% 3.06% 5 Yr Med 5 Yr Cl 3.61% 3.82% 5 Yr Med Payout 53.19% 8.20% 17.68% 8.30% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Dividends 48.98%
* Dividends per share  10 Yr Med and Cur. 133.68% 122.68% 5 Yr Med and Cur. 88.53% 78.20% Last Div Inc ---> $0.175 $0.185 5.71% 10.88% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Dividends 180.77%
Dividends Growth 15 16.92% <-IRR #YR-> 15 Dividends 942.86%
Dividends Growth 20 17.30% <-IRR #YR-> 20 Dividends 2333.33%
Dividends Growth 25 9.46% <-IRR #YR-> 22 Dividends #DIV/0!
Dividends Growth 5 -$0.49 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.73 Dividends Growth 5
Dividends Growth 10 -$0.26 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.73 Dividends Growth 10
Dividends Growth 15 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.73 Dividends Growth 15
Dividends Growth 20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.73 Dividends Growth 20
Dividends Growth 25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.73 Dividends Growth 25
Historical Dividends Historical High Div 5.03% Low Div 0.00% 10 Yr High 8.40% 10 Yr Low 1.88% Med Div 2.31% Close Div 2.44% Historical Dividends
High/Ave/Median Values Curr diff Cheap 35.34% Cheap   Exp. -18.96% 262.11% Cheap 194.71% Cheap 178.85% High/Ave/Median 
Historical Dividends Historical High Div 6.45% Low Div 0.72% 10 Yr High 8.40% 10 Yr Low 1.88% Med Div 2.62% Close Div 2.50% From 2007 When dividends Historical Dividends
High/Ave/Median Values Curr diff Cheap 5.55% Cheap 845.52% Exp. -18.96% 262.11% Cheap 159.84% Cheap 172.77% were restated High/Ave/Median 
Future Dividend Yield Div Yield 10.14% earning in 5 Years at IRR of 8.30% Div Inc. 48.98% Future Dividend Yield
Future Dividend Yield Div Yield 15.11% earning in 10 Years at IRR of 8.30% Div Inc. 121.95% Future Dividend Yield
Future Dividend Yield Div Yield 22.51% earning in 15 Years at IRR of 8.30% Div Inc. 230.66% Future Dividend Yield
Future Dividend Paid Div Paid $1.10 earning in 5 Years at IRR of 8.30% Div Inc. 48.98% Future Dividend Paid
Future Dividend Paid Div Paid $1.64 earning in 10 Years at IRR of 8.30% Div Inc. 121.95% Future Dividend Paid
Future Dividend Paid Div Paid $2.45 earning in 15 Years at IRR of 8.30% Div Inc. 230.66% Future Dividend Paid
Dividend Covering Cost Total Div $4.37 over 5 Years at IRR of 8.30% Div Cov. 40.18% Dividend Covering Cost
Dividend Covering Cost Total Div $9.77 over 10 Years at IRR of 8.30% Div Cov. 89.89% Dividend Covering Cost
Dividend Covering Cost Total Div $17.82 over 15 Years at IRR of 8.30% Div Cov. 163.95% Dividend Covering Cost
Yield if held 5 years 3.34% 3.29% 1.76% 2.22% 3.01% 3.16% 5.06% 4.15% 3.72% 3.94% 4.80% 4.28% 4.25% 4.31% 3.85% 5.01% 4.04% <-Median-> 10 Paid Median Price
Yield if held 10 years 6.48% 4.85% 4.78% 6.65% 6.03% 6.52% 7.31% 3.32% 3.58% 4.82% 5.07% 7.79% 6.18% 5.50% 5.20% 5.68% 6.11% <-Median-> 10 Paid Median Price
Yield if held 15 years 7.33% 7.82% 10.02% 11.11% 12.64% 10.79% 9.01% 10.72% 9.66% 10.45% 11.26% 4.94% 5.30% 6.36% 6.00% 10.58% <-Median-> 10 Paid Median Price
Yield if held 20 years 16.30% 14.74% 16.16% 17.78% 20.26% 16.61% 13.42% 15.86% 12.76% 12.37% 16.30% <-Median-> 7 Paid Median Price
Yield if held 25 years 25.09% 21.95% 23.91% 23.49% 23.99% 23.52% <-Median-> 2 Paid Median Price
Cost covered if held 5 years 11.20% 14.30% 7.18% 8.38% 11.35% 12.24% 19.95% 16.81% 16.18% 16.76% 20.11% 17.86% 18.06% 19.46% 18.31% 24.61% 16.78% <-Median-> 10 Paid Median Price Item
Cost covered if held 10 years 26.58% 21.82% 20.77% 30.87% 30.86% 36.45% 43.14% 20.62% 23.95% 31.86% 33.48% 52.47% 43.06% 41.02% 41.50% 48.00% 32.67% <-Median-> 10 Paid Median Price EPS
Cost covered if held 15 years 41.03% 41.50% 54.60% 64.76% 75.53% 64.36% 57.26% 77.49% 71.98% 80.27% 90.14% 41.62% 47.87% 62.12% 62.95% 68.37% <-Median-> 10 Paid Median Price CFPS
Cost covered if held 20 years 105.31% 101.20% 124.88% 140.48% 160.45% 133.70% 114.25% 149.09% 132.67% 141.05% 124.88% <-Median-> 7 Paid Median Price FCF 
Cost covered if held 25 years 210.07% 194.44% 232.79% 252.22% 278.28% 202.25% <-Median-> 2 Paid Median Price
Yr  Item Tot. Growth
Revenue Growth  $2,805.7 $3,266.3 $3,460.4 $3,643.6 $3,977.3 $4,696.5 $21,849.8 67.39% <-Total Growth 5 Revenue Growth  67.39%
EPS Growth $0.48 $0.99 $1.20 $1.47 $0.82 $0.50 $5.46 4.17% <-Total Growth 5 EPS Growth 4.17%
Net Income Growth $28.2 $59.0 $72.9 $88.0 $49.7 $30.4 $328.1 7.83% <-Total Growth 5 Net Income Growth 7.83%
Cash Flow Growth $197.4 $368.7 $198.5 $273.0 -$31.4 -$112.9 $893.2 -157.17% <-Total Growth 5 Cash Flow Growth -157.17%
Cash Flow Less WC Growth $138.6 $188.9 $194.1 $212.9 $172.4 $126.9 $1,033.7 -8.45% <-Total Growth 5 Cash Flow Less WC Growth -8.45%
Dividend Growth $0.49 $0.50 $0.56 $0.63 $0.69 $0.73 $3.59 48.98% <-Total Growth 5 Dividend Growth 48.98%
Stock Price Growth $19.94 $17.61 $17.52 $16.36 $16.88 $9.11 -54.31% <-Total Growth 5 Stock Price Growth -54.31%
Revenue Growth  $2,946.8 $3,068.6 $2,614.1 $2,918.1 $3,213.1 $2,805.7 $3,266.3 $3,460.4 $3,643.6 $3,977.3 $4,696.5 $36,610.5 59.37% <-Total Growth 10 Revenue Growth  59.37%
EPS Growth $1.47 $0.77 $0.55 $1.22 $0.82 $0.48 $0.99 $1.20 $1.47 $0.82 $0.50 $10.29 -65.99% <-Total Growth 10 EPS Growth -65.99%
Net Income Growth $78.0 $40.6 $30.0 $68.7 $46.8 $28.2 $59.0 $72.9 $88.0 $49.7 $30.4 $592.2 -61.04% <-Total Growth 10 Net Income Growth -61.04%
Cash Flow Growth $68.9 $134.0 $74.8 $58.1 $26.9 $197.4 $368.7 $198.5 $273.0 -$31.4 -$112.9 $1,255.9 -263.86% <-Total Growth 10 Cash Flow Growth -263.86%
Cash Flow Less WC Growth $135.4 $93.6 $70.0 $113.9 $144.3 $138.6 $188.9 $194.1 $212.9 $172.4 $126.9 $1,591.0 -6.28% <-Total Growth 10 Cash Flow Less WC Growth -6.28%
Dividend Growth $0.26 $0.31 $0.35 $0.39 $0.45 $0.49 $0.50 $0.56 $0.63 $0.69 $0.73 $5.3 180.77% <-Total Growth 10 Dividend Growth 180.77%
Stock Price Growth $10.65 $16.09 $10.71 $15.39 $15.25 $19.94 $17.61 $17.52 $16.36 $16.88 $9.11 -14.46% <-Total Growth 10 Stock Price Growth -14.46%
Dividends on Shares $29.14 $32.90 $36.66 $41.83 $46.06 $47.00 $52.64 $58.75 $64.39 $68.62 $69.56 $69.56 $69.56 $477.99 No of Years 10 Total Divs 12/31/12
Paid  $1,001.10 $1,512.46 $1,006.74 $1,446.66 $1,433.50 $1,874.36 $1,655.34 $1,646.88 $1,537.84 $1,586.72 $856.34 $1,021.78 $1,021.78 $1,290.62 $856.34 No of Years 10 Worth $10.65
Total $1,334.33
Graham Number $10.29 $13.13 $16.49 $13.41 $11.58 $17.11 $15.02 $11.60 $16.99 $18.87 $20.53 $16.24 $12.80 $19.06 $20.12 $22.40 -22.37% <-Total Growth 10 Graham Number
Increase -15.81% 27.60% 25.60% -18.71% -13.63% 47.79% -12.23% -22.75% 46.38% 11.10% 8.77% -20.90% -21.14% 48.84% 5.56% 11.32% -12.93% <-Median-> 10 Graham Price
Price/GP Ratio Med 1.20 0.67 0.72 1.00 1.23 0.76 1.07 1.48 1.01 1.02 0.72 1.17 1.03 0.63 1.02 <-Median-> 10 Price/GP Ratio Med
Price/GP Ratio High 1.46 0.80 0.83 1.20 1.61 0.92 1.27 1.72 1.18 1.14 0.88 1.35 1.40 0.73 1.23 <-Median-> 10 Price/GP Ratio High
Price/GP Ratio Low 0.94 0.54 0.60 0.80 0.84 0.60 0.87 1.24 0.84 0.89 0.56 0.99 0.65 0.53 0.84 <-Median-> 10 Price/GP Ratio Low
Price/GP Ratio Close 0.99 0.80 0.65 1.20 0.92 0.90 1.02 1.72 1.04 0.93 0.80 1.04 0.71 0.57 0.54 0.61 0.97 <-Median-> 10 Price/GP Ratio Close
Prem/Disc Close -0.60% -20.35% -35.43% 20.01% -7.51% -10.07% 1.52% 71.84% 3.67% -7.16% -20.30% 3.97% -28.85% -42.96% -45.97% -38.69% -2.82% <-Median-> 10 Graham Price
Based on EPS 3 yrs trailing $13.99 $13.26 $13.03 $14.68 $15.50 $15.11 $14.86 $15.01 $15.21 $15.17 $16.56 $19.43 $19.26 $17.11 $16.28 $17.61 47.78% <-Total Growth 10 Graham Number EPS 3 yrs trailing
Increase 8.51% -5.21% -1.73% 12.66% 5.55% -2.47% -1.69% 1.05% 1.29% -0.27% 9.22% 17.29% -0.86% -11.14% -4.84% 8.15% 1.17% <-Median-> 10 Graham Price
Price/GP Ratio Med 0.88 0.66 0.91 0.92 0.92 0.86 1.08 1.14 1.13 1.27 0.89 0.98 0.68 0.70 0.02 0.00 0.95 <-Median-> 10 Price/GP Ratio Med
Price/GP Ratio High 1.07 0.79 1.06 1.10 1.21 1.04 1.28 1.33 1.31 1.42 1.10 1.13 0.93 0.82 0.00 0.00 1.17 <-Median-> 10 Price/GP Ratio High
Price/GP Ratio Low 0.69 0.53 0.76 0.73 0.63 0.68 0.88 0.96 0.94 1.11 0.69 0.82 0.43 0.59 0.00 0.00 0.78 <-Median-> 10 Price/GP Ratio Low
Price/GP Ratio Close 0.73 0.79 0.82 1.10 0.69 1.02 1.03 1.33 1.16 1.16 0.99 0.87 0.47 0.64 0.67 0.78 1.02 <-Median-> 10 Price/GP Ratio Close
Prem/Disc Close -26.88% -21.13% -18.28% 9.60% -30.89% 1.83% 2.64% 32.82% 15.81% 15.53% -1.23% -13.11% -52.70% -36.48% -33.25% -22.04% 2.23% <-Median-> 10 Graham Price
Month, Year Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Dec-14 Dec-15 Dec-16 Dec-17 Dec-18 Dec-19 Dec-20 Dec-21 Dec-22 Dec-23 Dec-24 Dec-25 26.00 <Count Years> Month, Year
Price Close $10.23 $10.46 $10.65 $16.09 $10.71 $15.39 $15.25 $19.94 $17.61 $17.52 $16.36 $16.88 $9.11 $10.87 $10.87 $13.73 -14.46% <-Total Growth 10 Stock Price
Increase -31.80% 2.25% 1.82% 51.08% -33.44% 43.70% -0.91% 30.75% -11.69% -0.51% -6.62% 3.18% -46.03% 19.32% 0.00% 26.31% 17.30 <-Median-> 10 CAPE (10 Yr P/E)
P/E Ratio 17.95 12.45 9.03 22.35 21.00 14.94 19.81 43.35 18.73 15.64 12.68 21.64 19.38 10.35 9.29 9.47 -14.50% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Stock Price -54.31%
Trailing P/E Ratio 12.79 18.35 12.68 13.64 14.88 30.18 14.81 25.90 38.28 18.64 14.61 13.09 11.68 23.13 10.35 11.74 -1.55% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Stock Price -14.46%
CAPE (10 Yr P/E) 36.23 35.41 26.34 21.95 16.41 15.51 15.70 16.67 18.07 17.67 16.93 17.77 19.14 17.77 16.50 15.59 -10.12% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Price & Dividend -38.77%
Median 10, 5 Yrs D.  per yr 4.97% 4.38% % Tot Ret 145.35% 0.00% T P/E $14.84 $14.61 P/E:  $19.59 $18.73 3.42% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Price & Dividend 33.29%
Price 15 D.  per yr 2.90% % Tot Ret -93.70% CAPE Diff -40.16% -6.00% <-IRR #YR-> 15 Stock Price -60.48%
Price  20 D.  per yr 3.68% % Tot Ret 52.66% 3.31% <-IRR #YR-> 20 Stock Price 91.79%
Price  25 D.  per yr 3.45% % Tot Ret 41.67% 4.83% <-IRR #YR-> 25 Stock Price 225.36%
Price  30 D.  per yr 3.01% % Tot Ret 44.95% 3.69% <-IRR #YR-> 26 Stock Price
Price & Dividend 15 -3.10% <-IRR #YR-> 15 Price & Dividend -33.82%
Price & Dividend 20 6.99% <-IRR #YR-> 20 Price & Dividend 222.63%
Price & Dividend 25 8.28% <-IRR #YR-> 25 Price & Dividend 456.25%
Price & Dividend 30 6.70% <-IRR #YR-> 26 Price & Dividend
Price  5 -$19.94 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9.11 Price  5
Price 10 -$10.65 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9.11 Price 10
Price & Dividend 5 -$19.94 $0.50 $0.56 $0.63 $0.69 $9.84 Price & Dividend 5
Price & Dividend 10 -$10.65 $0.31 $0.35 $0.39 $0.45 $0.49 $0.50 $0.56 $0.63 $0.69 $9.84 Price & Dividend 10
Price  15 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9.11 Price  15
Price  20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9.11 Price  20
Price  25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9.11 Price  25
Price  30 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9.11 Price  30
Price & Dividend 15 $0.20 $0.20 $0.26 $0.31 $0.35 $0.39 $0.45 $0.49 $0.50 $0.56 $0.63 $0.69 $9.84 Price & Dividend 15
Price & Dividend 20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.26 $0.31 $0.35 $0.39 $0.45 $0.49 $0.50 $0.56 $0.63 $0.69 $9.84 Price & Dividend 20
Price & Dividend 25 $0.20 $0.20 $0.26 $0.31 $0.35 $0.39 $0.45 $0.49 $0.50 $0.56 $0.63 $0.69 $9.84 Price & Dividend 25
Price & Dividend 30 $0.20 $0.20 $0.26 $0.31 $0.35 $0.39 $0.45 $0.49 $0.50 $0.56 $0.63 $0.69 $9.84 Price & Dividend 30
Price H/L Median $12.34 $8.80 $11.81 $13.45 $14.23 $13.03 $16.02 $17.17 $17.16 $19.23 $14.77 $18.97 $13.18 $12.06 26.31% 11.56% <-Total Growth 10 Stock Price
Increase 6.06% -28.70% 34.28% 13.84% 5.84% -8.43% 22.91% 7.18% -0.03% 12.03% -23.17% 28.44% -30.55% -8.50% 6.81% -5.15% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Stock Price -23.24%
P/E Ratio 21.64 10.47 10.01 18.67 27.90 12.65 20.80 37.32 18.26 17.17 11.45 24.32 28.03 11.48 33.12% 1.10% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Stock Price 11.56%
Trailing P/E Ratio 15.42 15.43 14.06 11.39 19.76 25.55 15.55 22.29 37.30 20.45 13.19 14.71 16.89 25.65 -1.14% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Price & Dividend -5.18%
P/E on Running 5 yr Average 15.27 9.62 12.86 16.36 18.63 15.22 19.02 24.59 23.13 22.25 16.12 20.66 14.32 12.80 5.06% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Price & Dividend 54.61%
P/E on Running 10 yr Average 48.95 31.98 30.13 25.71 19.63 15.66 18.24 21.24 21.94 23.62 16.67 21.56 16.29 14.32 12.69 P/E Ratio Historical Median
Median 10, 5 Yrs D.  per yr 4.02% 3.96% % Tot Ret -353.63% 78.28% T P/E 18.33 16.89 P/E:  19.74 18.26 Count 26 Years of data
-$17.17 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $13.18
-$11.81 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $13.18
-$17.17 $0.50 $0.56 $0.63 $0.69 $13.91
-$11.81 $0.31 $0.35 $0.39 $0.45 $0.49 $0.50 $0.56 $0.63 $0.69 $13.91
High Months Jan Dec Mar Dec Feb Dec Aug Dec Jan Jul Feb Sep Feb Apr
Price High $15.02 $10.54 $13.75 $16.10 $18.69 $15.77 $19.02 $19.91 $19.98 $21.59 $18.14 $21.94 $17.98 $13.97 30.76% <-Total Growth 10 Stock Price
Increase -0.86% -29.83% 30.46% 17.09% 16.09% -15.62% 20.61% 4.68% 0.35% 8.06% -15.98% 20.95% -18.05% -22.30% -2.02% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Stock Price -9.69%
P/E Ratio 26.35 12.55 11.65 22.36 36.65 15.31 24.70 43.28 21.26 19.28 14.06 28.13 38.26 13.30 2.72% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Stock Price 30.76%
Trailing P/E Ratio 18.78 18.49 16.37 13.64 25.96 30.92 18.47 25.86 43.43 22.97 16.20 17.01 23.05 29.72 18.72 P/E Ratio Historical Median
Median 10, 5 Yrs T P/E 23.01 22.97 P/E:  23.53 21.26 39.76 P/E Ratio Historical High
-$19.91 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $17.98
-$13.75 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $17.98
Low Months Dec Oct Nov Jan Dec Jul Jan Aug Jun Apr Mar Dec Dec Feb
Price Low $9.65 $7.05 $9.87 $10.79 $9.77 $10.29 $13.01 $14.42 $14.34 $16.86 $11.40 $16.00 $8.37 $10.14 -15.20% <-Total Growth 10 Stock Price
Increase 18.99% -26.94% 40.00% 9.32% -9.45% 5.32% 26.43% 10.84% -0.55% 17.57% -32.38% 40.35% -47.69% 21.15% -10.31% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Stock Price -41.96%
P/E Ratio 16.93 8.39 8.36 14.99 19.16 9.99 16.90 31.35 15.26 15.05 8.84 20.51 17.81 9.66 -1.63% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Stock Price -15.20%
Trailing P/E Ratio 12.06 12.37 11.75 9.14 13.57 20.18 12.63 18.73 31.17 17.94 10.18 12.40 10.73 21.57 9.41 P/E Ratio Historical Median
Median 10, 5 Yrs T P/E 13.10 12.40 P/E:  16.08 15.26 -4.02 P/E Ratio Historical Low
-$9.87 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8.37
-$138 <-12 mths 10.64%
Free Cash Flow WSJ (Using these) $40.49 $4.12 $166.33 $321.53 $161.51 $237.21 -$63.65 -$142.39 -451.69% <-Total Growth 7 Free Cash Flow WSJ WSJ &
Change -89.83% 3941.08% 93.30% -49.77% 46.87% -126.83% -123.69% -49.77% <-Median-> 7 Change Mark Sc
Free Cash Flow -$165.00 $47.00 -$1.00 $75.00 $15.64 $5.35 -$13.10 $27.65 $154.11 -$9.37 $133.68 -$73.03 -$154.17 $11.2 $114.0 $153.0 -15317.00% <-Total Growth 10 Free Cash Flow MS Close
Change 128.48% -102.13% 7600.00% -79.15% -65.79% -344.86% 311.07% 457.36% -106.08% 1526.68% -154.63% -111.11% 107.26% 917.86% 34.21% #NUM! <-IRR #YR-> 5 Free Cash Flow MS -657.58%
FCF/CF from Op Ratio 1.68 0.24 -0.01 0.56 0.21 0.09 -0.49 0.14 0.42 -0.05 0.49 2.33 1.37 0.15 34.86 46.79 65.50% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Free Cash Flow MS -15317.00%
Dividends paid $11.36 $11.32 $14.51 $17.32 $19.74 $22.06 $25.57 $28.67 $29.83 $33.98 $37.54 $37.54 $37.54 $45.65 $45.65 $45.65 158.72% <-Total Growth 10 Dividends paid
Percentage paid 54.49% 621.19% 17.23% 9.28% 21.04% 28.08% -51.41% -24.35% 407.63% 40.05% 29.84% $0.19 <-Median-> 8 Percentage paid
5 Year Coverage 85.10% 53.11% 71.90% 344.47% -209.68% 643.74% 415.78% 5 Year Coverage
Dividend Coverage Ratio 1.84 0.16 5.80 10.78 4.75 3.56 -1.95 -4.11 0.25 2.50 3.35 2.70 <-Median-> 8 Dividend Coverage Ratio
5 Year of Coverage 4.95 1.88 1.39 0.29 -0.48 0.16 0.24 5 Year of Coverage
Market Cap in $M $559.5 $557.5 $564.6 $850.6 $601.2 $874.4 $882.4 $1,182.4 $1,065.0 $1,063.7 $985.2 $1,026.7 $560.6 $670.6 $670.6 $847.1 -0.01 <-Total Growth 10 Market Cap -0.70%
Diluted # of Shares in Million 86.33 86.33 78.97 78.86 84.34 80.71 72.35 72.23 73.93 73.85 75.87 73.85 79.27 81.98 81.98 81.98 0.39% <-Total Growth 10 Diluted # of Shares in Million
Change 47.55% 0.00% -8.53% -0.13% 6.95% -4.31% -10.36% -0.16% 2.34% -0.10% 2.74% -2.67% 7.35% 3.42% 0.00% 0.00% 0.04% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Change
Difference Diluted/Basic -37.6% -37.6% -32.9% -33.2% -35.8% -30.2% -20.7% -19.2% -19.1% -17.8% -20.9% -18.3% -23.1% -24.9% -24.9% -100.0% 1.88% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Difference Diluted/Basic
Change in Diluted Shares per Year
Basic # of Shares in Millions 53.91 53.91 52.98 52.67 54.13 56.36 57.36 58.37 59.80 60.71 60.04 60.35 60.98 61.58 61.58 15.10% <-Total Growth 10 Basic
Change 0.08% 0.00% -1.72% -0.58% 2.78% 4.11% 1.78% 1.75% 2.46% 1.52% -1.10% 0.51% 1.05% 0.99% 0.00% 1.64% <-Median-> 10 Change
Difference Basic/Outstanding 1.45% -1.12% 0.07% 0.38% 3.69% 0.81% 0.87% 1.60% 1.13% 0.01% 0.30% 0.79% 0.92% 0.18% 0.18% 0.84% <-Median-> 10 Difference Basic/Outstanding
-$209 <-12 mths -85.62%
# of Share in Millions 54.689 53.300 53.011 52.868 56.132 56.817 57.863 59.299 60.479 60.716 60.220 60.823 61.536 61.695 61.695 61.695 1.50% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Shares 16.08%
Change -0.75% -2.54% -0.54% -0.27% 6.17% 1.22% 1.84% 2.48% 1.99% 0.39% -0.82% 1.00% 1.17% 0.26% 0.00% 0.00% 0.74% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Shares 3.77%
Cash Flow from Operations $M -$98.2 $197.5 $68.9 $134.0 $74.8 $58.1 $26.9 $197.4 $368.7 $198.5 $273.0 -$31.4 -$112.9 $73.4 $3.3 $3.3 -263.86% <-Total Growth 10 Cash Flow
Increase -437.74% 301.01% -65.12% 94.58% -44.19% -22.32% -53.73% 634.27% 86.75% -46.17% 37.54% -111.51% -259.32% 165.05% -95.55% 0.00% Conv. Deb SO, BuyBacks S. Issued Capital Stock
5 year Running Average -$5.4 $34.5 $28.7 $56.8 $75.4 $106.7 $72.5 $98.2 $145.2 $169.9 $212.9 $201.2 $139.2 $80.1 $41.1 -$12.9 384.06% <-Total Growth 10 CF 5 Yr Running
CFPS -$1.80 $3.71 $1.30 $2.54 $1.33 $1.02 $0.46 $3.33 $6.10 $3.27 $4.53 -$0.52 -$1.83 $1.19 $2.16 $3.63 -241.16% <-Total Growth 10 Cash Flow per Share
Increase -441.80% 306.25% -64.93% 95.11% -47.43% -23.26% -54.56% 616.49% 83.11% -46.38% 38.67% -111.39% -255.15% 164.88% 81.51% 68.06% #NUM! <-IRR #YR-> 10 Cash Flow -263.86%
5 year Running Average $0.00 $0.75 $0.55 $1.08 $1.42 $1.98 $1.33 $1.74 $2.45 $2.84 $3.54 $3.34 $2.31 $1.33 $1.11 $0.93 #NUM! <-IRR #YR-> 5 Cash Flow -157.17%
P/CF on Med Price -6.87 2.37 9.09 5.30 10.68 12.74 34.47 5.16 2.81 5.88 3.26 -36.73 -7.18 10.13 0.12 0.00 #NUM! <-IRR #YR-> 10 Cash Flow per Share -241.16%
P/CF on Closing Price -5.69 2.82 8.20 6.35 8.04 15.05 32.82 5.99 2.89 5.36 3.61 -32.69 -4.97 9.13 5.03 3.78 #NUM! <-IRR #YR-> 5 Cash Flow per Share -155.09%
74.66% Diff M/C 15.41% <-IRR #YR-> 10 CFPS 5 yr Running 319.13%
$101.27 <-12 mths -20.21%
Excl.Working Capital CF $127.2 -$90.1 $66.5 -$40.4 -$4.8 $55.8 $117.4 -$58.8 -$179.8 -$4.4 -$60.1 $203.8 $239.8 $0.0 $0.0 5.86% <-IRR #YR-> 5 CFPS 5 yr Running 32.97%
Cash Flow from Operations $M WC $29.0 $107.4 $135.4 $93.6 $70.0 $113.9 $144.3 $138.6 $188.9 $194.1 $212.9 $172.4 $126.9 $73.4 $3.3 -6.28% <-Total Growth 10 Cash Flow less WC
Increase -62.42% 270.58% 26.09% -30.89% -25.21% 62.76% 26.68% -3.94% 36.23% 2.75% 9.68% -19.00% -26.38% -42.16% -95.55% -0.65% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Cash Flow less WC -6.28%
5 year Running Average $32.1 $48.2 $61.9 $88.5 $87.1 $104.1 $111.5 $112.1 $131.2 $156.0 $175.7 $181.4 $179.0 $155.9 $117.8 -1.75% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Cash Flow less WC -8.45%
CFPS Excl. WC $0.53 $2.02 $2.55 $1.77 $1.25 $2.01 $2.49 $2.34 $3.12 $3.20 $3.53 $2.83 $2.06 $1.19 $0.05 11.21% <-IRR #YR-> 10 CF less WC 5 Yr Run 189.44%
Increase -62.13% 280.24% 26.77% -30.70% -29.56% 60.80% 24.39% -6.26% 33.57% 2.35% 10.58% -19.81% -27.23% -42.30% -95.55% 9.82% <-IRR #YR-> 5 CF less WC 5 Yr Run 59.71%
5 year Running Average $0.69 $0.95 $1.14 $1.65 $1.62 $1.92 $2.01 $1.97 $2.24 $2.63 $2.94 $3.01 $2.95 $2.56 $1.93 -2.12% <-IRR #YR-> 10 CFPS - Less WC -19.26%
P/CF on Median Price 23.28 4.36 4.62 7.60 11.41 6.50 6.42 7.34 5.49 6.01 4.18 6.69 6.39 10.13 4.96 -2.48% <-IRR #YR-> 5 CFPS - Less WC -11.78%
P/CF on Closing Price 19.30 5.19 4.17 9.09 8.59 7.68 6.11 8.53 5.64 5.48 4.63 5.96 4.42 9.13 205.09 9.96% <-IRR #YR-> 10 CFPS 5 yr Running 158.37%
*Operational Cash Flow. CF/-WC P/CF Med 10 yr 5.23 5 yr  2.81 P/CF Med 10 yr 6.46 5 yr  6.01 41.41% Diff M/C 8.40% <-IRR #YR-> 5 CFPS 5 yr Running 49.69%
-$1.30 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -$1.83 Cash Flow per Share
-$3.33 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -$1.83 Cash Flow per Share
-$0.55 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.31 CFPS 5 yr Running
-$1.74 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.31 CFPS 5 yr Running
-$135.4 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $126.9 Cash Flow less WC
-$138.6 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $126.9 Cash Flow less WC
-$61.9 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $179.0 CF less WC 5 Yr Run
-$112.1 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $179.0 CF less WC 5 Yr Run
-$2.55 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.06 CFPS - Less WC
-$2.34 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.06 CFPS - Less WC
For banks, use Net Income, not CF
OPM Ratio -3.57% 6.82% 2.34% 4.37% 2.86% 1.99% 0.84% 7.04% 11.29% 5.74% 7.49% -0.79% -2.40% 1.54% -202.81% <-Total Growth 10 OPM
Increase -342.16% 290.85% -65.72% 86.86% -34.48% -30.41% -57.98% 740.89% 60.42% -49.19% 30.62% -110.54% -204.30% 164.05% Should increase  or be stable.
Diff from Median -198.8% 88.6% -35.3% 20.8% -20.8% -44.9% -76.9% 94.7% 212.3% 58.7% 107.3% -121.8% -166.5% 0.00 <-Median-> 10 OPM
*Operational Profit Margin (CF/Revenue) Ratio OPM 10 Yrs 3.61% 5 Yrs 5.74% should be  zero, it is a   check on calculations
$201.40 <-12 mths -8.12%
Adjusted EBITDA $172.0 $184.0 $170.2 $169.8 $110.3 $146.8 $158.3 $156.5 $207.0 $221.9 $264.5 $238.9 $219.2 $195 $247 $298 28.79% <-Total Growth 10 Adjusted EBITDA
Change 16.22% 6.98% -7.50% -0.24% -35.04% 33.09% 7.83% -1.14% 32.27% 7.20% 19.20% -9.68% -8.25% -11.04% 26.67% 20.65% 0.03 <-Median-> 10 Change
EBITDA Margin 6.26% 6.35% 5.78% 5.53% 4.22% 5.03% 4.93% 5.58% 6.34% 6.41% 7.26% 6.01% 4.67% 4.09% 5.15% #DIV/0! 0.06 <-Median-> 10 Margin
Long Term Debt $156.77 $279.66 $302.09 $123.13 $113.61 $105.36 $86.40 $444.10 $453.45 $511.58 $502.41 $520.91 $173.64 $104.23 -73.98% <-Total Growth 10 Debt Type
Change 17.84% 78.39% 8.02% -59.24% -7.73% -7.27% -17.99% 413.99% 2.11% 12.82% -1.79% 3.68% -66.67% -39.97% -4.53% <-Median-> 10 Change Lg Term R
Debt/Market Cap Ratio 0.28 0.50 0.54 0.14 0.19 0.12 0.10 0.38 0.43 0.48 0.51 0.51 0.31 0.16 0.34 <-Median-> 10 Debt/Market Cap Ratio Intang/GW
Assets/Current Liabilities Ratio 1.97 2.51 2.44 2.12 2.22 2.43 2.32 2.35 2.32 2.29 2.15 2.24 1.94 1.51 2.27 <-Median-> 10 Assets/Current Liabilities Liquidity
Debt to Cash Flow (Years) -1.60 1.42 4.39 0.92 1.52 1.81 3.21 2.25 1.23 2.58 1.84 -16.58 -1.54 1.42 1.67 <-Median-> 10 Debt to Cash Flow (Years) Liq. + CF
Debt Ratio
Intangibles $238.06 $317.26 $7.54 $17.98 $45.92 $62.62 $111.66 $297.75 $397.80 $632.76 $565.62 $542.09 $554.25 $21.73 7253.73% <-Total Growth 10 Intangibles Leverage
Goodwill $53.78 $53.78 $53.78 $53.78 $52.57 $49.37 $47.37 $49.37 $47.85 $52.89 $83.83 $104.86 $108.10 $105.11 101.00% <-Total Growth 10 Goodwill D/E Ratio
Total $291.84 $371.04 $61.32 $71.76 $98.49 $112.00 $159.03 $347.13 $445.64 $685.66 $649.45 $646.95 $662.35 $126.84 980.16% <-Total Growth 10 Total
Change -9.78% 27.14% -83.47% 17.03% 37.25% 13.71% 42.00% 118.28% 28.38% 53.86% -5.28% -0.39% 2.38% -80.85% 22.70% <-Median-> 10 Change
Intangible/Market Cap Ratio 0.52 0.67 0.11 0.08 0.16 0.13 0.18 0.29 0.42 0.64 0.66 0.63 1.18 0.19 0.36 <-Median-> 10 Intangible/Market Cap Ratio
Current Assets $1,319.1 $1,064.2 $1,128.6 $1,129.6 $963.1 $1,242.2 $1,389.3 $1,722.7 $2,146.8 $2,129.4 $2,201.0 $2,145.7 $2,323.3 $2,964.1 105.85% <-Total Growth 10 Current Assets
Current Liabilities $1,075.0 $791.8 $874.0 $940.4 $824.0 $772.0 $864.8 $1,074.5 $1,263.9 $1,357.8 $1,529.6 $1,469.5 $1,834.5 $2,342.1 109.90% <-Total Growth 10 Current Liabilities
Liquidity Ratio 1.23 1.34 1.29 1.20 1.17 1.61 1.61 1.60 1.70 1.57 1.44 1.46 1.27 1.27 1.51 <-Median-> 10 Ratio
Liq. with CF aft div 1.21 1.33 1.27 1.18 1.14 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.66 1.67 1.58 1.40 1.18 1.27 1.58 <-Median-> 5 Ratio
Liq. with CF aft div (WC) 1.24 1.46 1.42 1.28 1.23 1.71 1.72 1.69 1.81 1.67 1.54 1.53 1.30 1.27
Liq. CF re  Inv+Div  1.02 1.53 1.21 1.23 1.18 1.66 1.58 1.13 1.84 1.57 1.36 1.42 1.28 1.27 1.42 <-Median-> 5 Ratio
Curr Long Term Debt $50.467 $65.690 $61.899 $67.890 $83.226 $56.033 $51.568 $44.472 $32.505 $60.071 $56.568 $61.525 $56.564 $41.893 $56.6 <-Median-> 5 Ratio
Liquidity Less CLTD 1.29 1.47 1.39 1.29 1.30 1.74 1.71 1.67 1.74 1.64 1.49 1.52 1.31 1.29 1.52 <-Median-> 5 Ratio
Liq. with CF aft div 1.18 1.71 1.45 1.42 1.36 1.76 1.69 1.81 1.99 1.75 1.64 1.46 1.21 1.29 1.64 <-Median-> 5 Ratio
Assets $2,121.4 $1,984.1 $2,129.3 $1,993.6 $1,830.1 $1,874.4 $2,005.5 $2,526.8 $2,932.7 $3,114.6 $3,287.4 $3,286.8 $3,567.0 $3,528.6 67.52% <-Total Growth 10 Assets
Liabilities $1,661.8 $1,494.2 $1,579.7 $1,407.0 $1,174.2 $1,156.3 $1,251.9 $1,755.3 $2,107.6 $2,256.6 $2,413.3 $2,373.3 $2,613.0 $2,580.1 65.41% <-Total Growth 10 Liabilities
Debt Ratio 1.28 1.33 1.35 1.42 1.56 1.62 1.60 1.44 1.39 1.38 1.36 1.38 1.37 1.37 1.40 <-Median-> 10 Ratio
Book Value 459.60 489.88 549.57 586.61 655.95 718.05 753.60 771.48 825.06 858.00 874.11 913.57 954.00 948.45 73.59% <-Total Growth 10 Book Value
NCI 7.96 3.54 6.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NCI
Book Value 451.64 486.34 543.16 586.61 655.95 718.05 753.60 771.48 825.06 858.00 874.11 913.57 954.00 948.45 948.45 948.45 75.64% <-Total Growth 10 Book Value
Book Value per share $8.26 $9.12 $10.25 $11.10 $11.69 $12.64 $13.02 $13.01 $13.64 $14.13 $14.52 $15.02 $15.50 $15.37 $15.37 $15.37 51.31% <-Total Growth 10 Book Value per Share
Increase -0.51% 10.49% 12.29% 8.29% 5.32% 8.15% 3.05% -0.11% 4.86% 3.59% 2.72% 3.48% 3.22% -0.84% 0.00% 0.00% -41.79% P/B Ratio Current/Historical Median
P/B Ratio (Median) 1.49 0.96 1.15 1.21 1.22 1.03 1.23 1.32 1.26 1.36 1.02 1.26 0.85 0.78 0.02 0.00 1.21 P/B Ratio Historical Median
P/B Ratio (Close) 1.24 1.15 1.04 1.45 0.92 1.22 1.17 1.53 1.29 1.24 1.13 1.12 0.59 0.71 0.71 0.89 4.23% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Book Value per Share 51.31%
Change -31.45% -7.46% -9.33% 39.51% -36.80% 32.87% -3.85% 30.89% -15.78% -3.95% -9.09% -0.29% -47.71% 20.33% 0.00% 26.31% 3.57% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Book Value per Share 19.16%
Median 10 year P/B Ratio 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.45 1.31 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.21 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.13 1.12
Leverage (A/BK) 4.70 4.08 3.92 3.40 2.79 2.61 2.66 3.28 3.55 3.63 3.76 3.60 3.74 3.72 3.63 <-Median-> 5 A/BV
Debt/Equity Ratio 3.68 3.07 2.91 2.40 1.79 1.61 1.66 2.28 2.55 2.63 2.76 2.60 2.74 2.72 2.63 <-Median-> 5 Debt/Eq Ratio
Shareholders' Equity (Assets less Liabilities) P/B Ratios 10 yr Med 1.22 5 yr Med 1.26 -42.22% Diff M/C 3.76 Historical Leverage (A/BK)
-$10.25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15.50
-$13.01 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15.50
$79.87 <-12 mths 14.19%
Compreshensive Income $12.86 $60.86 $78.15 $54.29 $49.43 $40.70 $45.99 $29.92 $68.78 $61.78 $57.52 $65.63 $69.94 -10.50% <-Total Growth 10 Compreshensive Income
NCI $4.70 $4.68 $2.87 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 NCI
Shareholders $8.15 $56.18 $75.28 $54.29 $49.43 $40.70 $45.99 $29.92 $68.78 $61.78 $57.52 $65.63 $69.94 -7.09% <-Total Growth 10 Shareholders
Increase -77.18% 589.19% 33.98% -27.89% -8.95% -17.65% 12.98% -34.93% 129.85% -10.18% -6.90% 14.11% 6.57% 6.57% <-Median-> 5 Comprehensive Income
5 Yr Running Average $34 $43 $49 $46 $49 $55 $53 $44 $47 $49 $53 $57 $65 -0.73% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Comprehensive Income -7.09%
ROE 1.8% 11.6% 13.9% 9.3% 7.5% 5.7% 6.1% 3.9% 8.3% 7.2% 6.6% 7.2% 7.3% 18.51% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Comprehensive Income 133.73%
5Yr Median 7.8% 11.6% 11.6% 9.3% 9.3% 9.3% 7.5% 6.1% 6.1% 6.1% 6.6% 7.2% 7.2% 2.90% <-IRR #YR-> 10 5 Yr Running Average 33.15%
% Difference from Net Income -80.5% -2.4% -3.5% 33.7% 64.5% -40.7% -1.6% 6.2% 16.5% -15.2% -34.7% 32.1% 130.2% 7.99% <-IRR #YR-> 5 5 Yr Running Average 46.90%
Median Values Diff 5, 10 yr 11.4% 16.5% 7.2% <-Median-> 5 Return on Equity
-$75.3 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $69.9
-$29.9 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $69.9
-$48.6 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $64.7
-$44.1 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $64.7
Current Liability Coverage Ratio 0.03 0.14 0.15 0.10 0.08 0.15 0.17 0.13 0.15 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.07 0.03   CFO / Current Liabilities
5 year Median 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.14 0.15 0.13 0.15 0.15 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.13 <-Median-> 10 Current Liability Cov Ratio
Asset Efficiency Ratio 1.37% 5.41% 6.36% 4.69% 3.82% 6.08% 7.20% 5.49% 6.44% 6.23% 6.47% 5.25% 3.56% 2.08% CFO / Total Assets
5 year Median 3.8% 4.6% 4.6% 4.7% 4.7% 5.4% 6.1% 5.5% 6.1% 6.23% 6.44% 6.23% 6.23% 5.25% 5.8% <-Median-> 10 Return on Assets 
Return on Assets ROA 1.97% 2.90% 3.66% 2.04% 1.64% 3.66% 2.33% 1.12% 2.01% 2.34% 2.68% 1.51% 0.85% 2.26% Net  Income/Assets Return on Assets
5Yr Median 2.63% 2.90% 2.90% 2.63% 2.04% 2.90% 2.33% 2.04% 2.01% 2.33% 2.33% 2.01% 2.01% 2.26% 2.0% <-Median-> 10 Asset Efficiency Ratio
Return on Equity ROE 9.27% 11.83% 14.36% 6.92% 4.58% 9.56% 6.20% 3.65% 7.15% 8.49% 10.07% 5.44% 3.18% 8.42% Net Inc/ Shareholders' equity Return on Equity
5Yr Median 9.70% 11.83% 11.83% 9.70% 9.27% 9.56% 6.92% 6.20% 6.20% 7.15% 7.15% 7.15% 7.15% 8.42% 6.6% <-Median-> 10 Return on Equity
$73 <-12 mths 140.10%
Net Income $46.67 $62.14 $80.94 $40.6 $30.0 $68.7 $46.8 $28.2 $59.0 $72.9 $88.0 $49.7 $30.4 -62.47% <-Total Growth 10 Net Income
NCI $4.821 $4.59 $2.96 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 NCI
Shareholder $41.85 $57.55 $77.98 $40.6 $30.0 $68.7 $46.8 $28.2 $59.0 $72.9 $88.0 $49.7 $30.4 $79.9 $89.8 $118.9 -61.04% <-Total Growth 10 Shareholder
Increase -5.72% 37.53% 35.49% -47.94% -26.00% 128.60% -31.92% -39.74% 109.45% 23.45% 20.83% -43.56% -38.85% 162.99% 12.39% 32.38% EPS/CF Ratio should not be higher than 1.00
5 Yr Running Average $41.1 $50.3 $56.2 $52.5 $49.6 $55.0 $52.8 $42.9 $46.5 $55.1 $59.0 $59.6 $60.0 $64.2 $67.6 $73.7 -9.00% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Net Income -61.04%
Operating Cash Flow -$98.2 $197.5 $68.9 $134.0 $74.8 $58.1 $26.9 $197.4 $368.7 $198.5 $273.0 -$31.4 -$112.9 1.52% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Net Income 7.83%
Investment Cash Flow -$152.6 $98.3 -$105.4 -$43.1 -$9.8 $249.0 -$20.5 -$443.0 $39.0 -$66.1 -$189.4 -$39.6 -$35.9 0.65% <-IRR #YR-> 10 5 Yr Running Average 6.71%
Total Accruals $292.7 -$238.2 $114.5 -$50.3 -$35.0 -$238.4 $40.3 $273.7 -$348.7 -$59.5 $4.4 $120.7 $179.1 6.96% <-IRR #YR-> 5 5 Yr Running Average 40.00%
Total Assets $2,121.4 $1,984.1 $2,129.3 $1,993.6 $1,830.1 $1,874.4 $2,005.5 $2,526.8 $2,932.7 $3,114.6 $3,287.4 $3,286.8 $3,567.0 Balance Sheet Assets
Accruals Ratio 13.80% -12.01% 5.38% -2.52% -1.91% -12.72% 2.01% 10.83% -11.89% -1.91% 0.13% 3.67% 5.02% 0.13% <-Median-> 5 Ratio
EPS/CF Ratio (WC) 1.08 0.42 0.46 0.41 0.41 0.51 0.31 0.20 0.30 0.35 0.36 0.28 0.23 0.33 <-Median-> 10 EPS/CF Ratio
-$78.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $30.4
-$28.2 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $30.4
-$56.2 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $60.0
-$42.9 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $60.0
Change in Close -31.80% 2.25% 1.82% 51.08% -33.44% 43.70% -0.91% 30.75% -11.69% -0.51% -6.62% 3.18% -46.03% 19.32% 0.00% 26.31% Count 27 Years of data
up/down down down up down up down up down Count 14 51.85%
Meet Prediction? Yes Yes yes % right Count 5 35.71%
Financial Cash Flow $161.0 -$174.7 $71.6 -$86.3 -$166.8 -$163.2 -$57.0 $317.8 -$85.1 -$78.1 -$107.3 -$52.3 -$11.9 C F Statement  Financial Cash Flow
Total Accruals $131.7 -$63.6 $42.9 $36.0 $131.8 -$75.3 $97.3 -$44.1 -$263.6 $18.6 $111.7 $173.0 $191.0 Accruals
Accruals Ratio 6.21% -3.20% 2.01% 1.80% 7.20% -4.02% 4.85% -1.74% -8.99% 0.60% 3.40% 5.26% 5.35% 3.40% <-Median-> 5 Ratio
Cash $250.9 $175.2 $66.9 $240.6 $138.9 $282.7 $213.9 $304.9 $631.0 $682.3 $658.3 $532.7 $377.2 $358.6 Cash
Cash per Share $4.59 $3.29 $1.26 $4.55 $2.47 $4.98 $3.70 $5.14 $10.43 $11.24 $10.93 $8.76 $6.13 $5.81 $10.43 <-Median-> 5 Cash per Share
Percentage of Stock Price 44.84% 31.43% 11.85% 28.28% 23.11% 32.33% 24.24% 25.78% 59.25% 64.14% 66.82% 51.88% 67.29% 53.48% 64.14% <-Median-> 5 % of Stock Price
August 10, 2023.  Last estimates were for 2022, 2023 and 2024 of $4473M, $4583M and $4509M for Revenue, $0.33, $0.73 and $1.11 for EPS, 
$0.74, $0.77 and $0.82 for Dividends, -$30.9M, $84.8M and $81M for FCF, $1.98, $1.86 and $1.86 for CFPS, $18.1M and $43M 2022/3 for Net Income.
August 9, 2022.  Last estimates were for 2021, 2022 and 2023 of $4038M, $4214M and $4224M for Revenue, $0.97, $1.24 and $2.38 for EPS, 
$0.70, $0.73 and $0.76 for Dividends, $61.9M, $128M and $120M for FCF, $2.50, $3.38 and $3.33 for CFPS, and $65.4M, $87.2M an $76.3M for Net Income.
August 8, 2020.  Last estimates were for 2020, 2021 and 2022 of $3448M, $3774M and $3967M for Revenue, $0.49 and $1.02 for EPS for 2020, 21, 
$0.63 and $0.67 for Dividend 2020,21, $70.7M, $124M and $139M for FCF and $37M and $73.7M for Net Income 
August 10, 2020. Spreadsheet started. 
John M. Beck, Founder and Chairman, Aecon Group Inc
In November 2018, Aecon announced the closing of a definitive asset purchase agreement to sell substantially all of the assets related to its 
Contract Mining business to North American Construction Group for $199.1 million in cash.
In 2010, Aecon acquired over 500 physical pieces of mining equipment and assets previously owned by Cow Harbour Construction, a large mining and 
land reclamation contractor located in Alberta's oil sands.
Aecon's origins go back to 1957 to Prefac Concrete of Montreal, a company started by John M. Beck and his parents.
Construction, Inudustrial
What should this stock accomplish?
Would I buy this company and Why.
Why am I following this stock. 
This stock has been coming up on Canada Stock Channel Weekly email.   Site is <a href="" target="_top">Canada Stock Channel</a>. 
Why I bought this stock.
Dividends are paid quarterly in Cycle 1 of January, April, July and october.  Dividends are declared in one month for shareholders of record of the following month and paid in the next month.
For example, the dividends declared on December 24, 2019 for shareholder of record of December 24, 2019 was paid on January 3, 2020.
Misson Statement or closes thing I can find.
What I am looking for is a statement that the company wants to do well by their customers, employees, and community and and thereby earn shareholders a reasonable return.
For customers 
For employees 
For community 
For investors 
How they make their money.
Aecon Group Inc is a Canada-based company that operates in two segments: Construction and Concessions. The company generates most of its revenue from the Construction segment
Shares; '%, Value $M %, Val $M Shares %, Val $M Shares %, Val $M Shares %, Val $M Shares %, Val $M Shares %, Val $M Shares %, Val $M Shares %, Val $M Shares %, Val $M   Change
Date 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Aug 9 2020 Aug 8 2021 Aug 9 2022 Aug 10 2022
Servranckx, Jean-Louis 0.006 0.01% 0.008 0.01% 0.018 0.03% 0.038 0.06% 0.006 0.01% -85.44%
CEO - Shares - Amount $0.096 $0.124 $0.304 $0.344 $0.060
Options - percentage 0.027 0.04% 0.128 0.21% 0.221 0.36% 0.416 0.68% 0.584 0.95% 40.22%
Options - amount $0.470 $2.094 $3.727 $3.792 $6.344
Smales, David Andrew 0.023 0.04% 0.023 0.04% 0.023 0.04% 0.023 0.04% 0.023 0.04% 0.00%
CFO - Shares - Amount $0.409 $0.382 $0.394 $0.213 $0.254
Options - percentage 0.211 0.35% 0.224 0.37% 0.237 0.39% 0.277 0.45% 0.330 0.54% 19.06%
Options - amount $3.700 $3.671 $3.995 $2.527 $3.589
Borgatti, Adam 0.001 0.00% 0.002 0.00% 0.006 0.01% 0.006 0.01% 0.014 0.02% 126.35%
Officer - Shares - Amount $0.018 $0.037 $0.109 $0.055 $0.149
Options - percentage 0.013 0.02% 0.023 0.04% 0.031 0.05% 0.040 0.07% 0.055 0.09% 37.30%
Options - amount $0.236 $0.374 $0.527 $0.368 $0.602
Hole, James Douglas 0.050 0.08% 0.050 0.08% 0.00%
Director - Shares - Amount $0.456 $0.544
Options - percentage 0.077 0.12% 0.114 0.18% 48.49%
Options - amount $0.698 $1.236
Franceschini, Anthony P. 0.090 0.15% 0.090 0.15% 0.090 0.15% 0.090 0.15% 0.090 0.15%   0.00%
Lead Director - Shares - Amt $1.577 $1.472 $1.519 $0.820 $0.978
Options - percentage 0.045 0.07% 0.055 0.09% 0.064 0.11% 0.077 0.13% 0.113 0.18% 45.29%
Options - amount $0.795 $0.897 $1.083 $0.705 $1.223
Beck, John Michael 0.054 0.09% 0.000 0.00% 0.054 0.09% 0.054 0.09% 0.054 0.09% 0.00%
Chairman - Shares - Amt $0.944 $0.000 $0.910 $0.491 $0.586
Options - percentage 0.457 0.75% 0.000 0.00% 0.336 0.55% 0.358 0.58% 0.054 0.09% -84.93%
Options - amount $7.999 $0.000 $5.677 $3.259 $0.586
Increase in O/S Shares 1.016 1.71% 0.636 1.06% 0.442 0.73% 0.603 0.99% 0.713 1.16%
Due to Stock Options $17.893 $11.147 $7.233 $10.180 $6.496
Book Value $15.462 $10.404 $7.533 $10.074 $13.550
Insider Buying $0.000 -$0.102 -$0.050 -$1.118 $0.000
Insider Selling $3.296 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $1.796
Net Insider Selling $3.296 -$0.102 -$0.050 -$1.118 $1.796
Net Selling % of Market Cap 0.33% -0.01% 0.00% -0.20% 0.27%
Directors 10 10 10 10
Women 3 30% 3 30% 3 30% 3 30%
Minorities 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Institutions/Holdings 20 15.81% 20 22.75% 20 28.32% 20 23.87%
Total Shares Held 9.606 15.95% 13.724 22.56% 17.263 28.05% 14.718 23.86%
Increase/Decrease 3 Mths 0.316 3.41% -0.782 -5.39% 0.187 1.10% 2.464 20.10%
Starting No. of Shares 9.289 14.506 17.076 12.255